On 16/04/2014 00:09, Dave Park wrote:
Which device is most likely to have code written for it that gets it to a
useful state, be it a 'driver' or SuperBASIC routines that peek and poke
their way to victory or assembly or whatever?

I would envisage the best way would be to create as a minimum a device driver such as "socket_192.168.1.1_80", "listen_192.168.1.1_80" and "send_192.168.1.1_80". as this would give simple connection and datagram access, but you'd have to implement the overlying protocol yourself.

In addition, it may be useful to implement higher level device drivers, such as http_ and ftp_ as I imagine that these would be the most useful for data transfer on and off the QL, using a transformed URI e.g.

copy "ftp_remote.fileserver.org/pub/ql/usefulfile" to flp1_userfulfile

Nostalgia isn't as good as it used to be.

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