Geoff knows (I think) I'm unlikely to be able to attend in person as things stand, although I might make an appearance by Skype.

If I did attend, I'd have no particular preference for food type.

I agree with Tobias though that a formal dinner the night before the event would be better, giving people a chance to get to know each other and then of course anyone staying Saturday night could again meet up informally to continue the chats and new friendships :-)


-----Original Message----- From: Tobias Fröschle
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QLis30 dinner


my 2ct on that:

Italian and Chinese can be had just about everywhere in the world - British food (maybe for one or the other good reason ;) ) only in the UK.
As a foreign visitor, I’d vote for the local food.

With respect to the „when“ question, I’d personally prefer to have the dinner /before/ the workshop - An informal event like that makes it easier getting to know each other (or rather, align faces to names we all know for long) and will ease conversation the next day, I’d guess.

It could well be that groups of people with similar interest would gather for some more food and drinks Saturday anyhow…...

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