-----Original Message-----
>From: "p...@zx81.de" <p...@zx81.de>
>Sent: Jun 18, 2014 4:49 PM
>To: "ql-us...@q-v-d.com" <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QLis30 dinner
>As I am coming from a foreign country I definitely prefer a Scottish meal when 
>I visit Scotland. As Tobias said, you find Chinese and Italian food 
>Friday evening would be ideal. 
>If you need to select between a choice of Scottish restaurants I think it 
>would help to have a look at the Whisky card ;-). 
>If you need pre payments just tell us. We will happily prepay for us and our 
>Kind regards
>> Am 18.06.2014 um 17:42 schrieb Geoff Wicks <gtwi...@btinternet.com>:
>> At the moment we are looking at a lot of the mechanics of QLis30. One of the 
>> things that is causes us a problem is the possibility of a QLis30 dinner. We 
>> want to do this as we believe informal contacts as just as important as the 
>> event programme.
>> When we sounded out opinion on the date, you gave us some helpful 
>> suggestions and we would like your ideas about any dinner.
>> Our main problem is that it is impossible to estimate numbers attending 
>> QLis30 at this stage. There has been an enthusiastic response to the web 
>> page - 168 hits so far - but that does not translate into attendance. It is 
>> more an indication of interest.
>> The first question would be whether people would prefer a dinner on the 
>> Friday evening or as an after workshop event on the Saturday. The latter 
>> would be slightly easier to organise in that we could get final numbers (and 
>> a deposit!) on the day itself.
>> The other question is the cuisine. At the moment we are looking at 3 options:
>> 1: A traditional British Carvery
>> 2: Italian
>> 3: Chinese
>> By large numbers the first would probably be the easiest, but we have had a 
>> good recommendation for the Chinese which is near to the show venue. 
>> However, I wonder whether UK QL-ers have had enough Chinese cuisine stuffed 
>> down their throats in Manchester!,
>> Best Wishes,
>> Geoff
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Coming from Across the Pond, I too would like other than Italian and Chinese. 
And while I am evenly divided between Friday or Saturday dinner ... let's call 
that somewhat for Friday more than Saturday. Rather, for dinner Friday and 
certainly informal gathering after Saturday finish.

Doug (LaVerne) 37830 USA
QL-Users Mailing List

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