Hi Geoff,

Please can you confirm that the Starters, Main Courses and Desserts advertised on the QL is 30 web site are interchangeable. That is, can we mix and match the courses - otherwise how do we plan our dinner? Are the Sample Menus fixed meals offered? What starter and Dessert go with the Haggis, Neaps and Tatties? or can we please ourselves?

Please advise.

Kind Regards,

John Gilpin.(Confused QLer)
QUANTA Membership Secretary
and QUANTA Treasurer
membership @quanta.org.uk
treasurer @quanta.org.uk

On 25/08/2014 13:27, John Gilpin wrote:
Hi Geoff,

Count us (Sarah & I) in for the Neaps and Tatties!!

See you in October.

Kind Regards,

John Gilpin.
QUANTA Membership Secretary
and QUANTA Treasurer
membership @quanta.org.uk
treasurer @quanta.org.uk

On 24/08/2014 18:46, Geoff Wicks wrote:
Just a reminder that payments for the QLis30 dinner should be made by next weekend.

Because of continuing problems with the SQLUG bank account we are asking all people to pay by the Quanta PayPal account:


This will take you directly to Quanta's PayPal account for the dinner.

Many thanks to Quanta for this facility. We would have been in a difficult situation without them.

The Holiday Inn have indicated that if we want they would make the main course the quintessential Scottish meal of Haggis, Tatties and Neaps often accompanied by a wee dram. (Tatties are potatoes and neaps turnips)

Haggis is sheep's offal cooked with onion, oatmeal and spices and tastes far nicer than it sounds. I had some delightful haggis for breakfast at Kinlochbervie in June. However it is not to everyone's liking and we would like to hear your opinions.

Aparently there is a regional dish in North Hesse called weckewerk that is a form of Haggis,

Best wishes,

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