Hi Wolfgang,

> SMSQE 3.36 is out. You can get it as usual on wlenerz.com/smsqe

Many thanks for your maintainance work, covering so many different machines.

Not that I actually use the Q68 FAT driver, but by chance I noticed a
configration issue. The "Fat1_ is on card =>" entry exists, but can not
be selected. ("Fat2_ is on card =>" and higher numbers work.)

> For the Q68, cards need not be initialized for normal access (a
> CARD_INIT might still be necessary for the CARD_xx commands).

I have not enough evidence to actually blame this feature, but would
recommend a little caution. I had strange issues two times, since I
tried it instead of just rebooting. In both cases, problems appeared in
connection with overwriting existing files. I had to concentrate on
other stuff, so I didn't actually investigate. Reverting to a backup
image cured it. Could be just coincidence with something else.

> The
> keyboard may be handled via interrupts, which may help with certain
> USB-PS/2 adapters (this needs your FPGA to be updated, though). SER
> works again correctly.

Please note that the mentioned FPGA update not just adds keyboard
interrupt support, but also lowers the rate in which the PS/2 ports are
sampled. At the moment we wait on more testing. Since the Q68 has no
field update for the FPGA, persons who have those (not fully PS/2
standard conforming) adapters should ask Derek.

All the best
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