Dilwyn Jones writes:


The problem with upgrading computers is disposing of the old ones humanely
(ie, with the least possible trouble to oneself ;). They do tend to take up
a lot of space, and operating with more than a couple of keyboards, half a
dozen rodents, and assorted monitors (not to forget that gonad-sizzling
tangle under the desk!) is eminently impractical. Networking might offer a
part-solution, but the QL is not well endowed in that respect. Still, we are
left with the good old bridging strategy of Demote and Postpone, ie
decommission a perfectly good specimen to an uncertain future and install
a flashy new pretender in its place! You dont dispose of computers because
they dont work, but because they go out of fashion! (A message I just wish
Quanta, Q-Branch and the like would get accross to their many microdrive-
churning, User-Guide-thumbing fundamentalists!  ;)

Of course Im interested in a Q60, but I know very little about them, like:
cost, delivery, compatibility, reliability, how difficult is it to assemble
(special equipment required, etc), networking (can you network two+ of them
under Linux, for example?), upgradability (CPU, RAM), expansion,
warranty/support, .. that should just about cover it! ;)


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