At 01:14 μμ 5/7/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Greetings again
>Many thanks to all who have responded already both on and off list.
>>The thing I like about this list is info is so accessible and people are so
>>ready to help on ANY level without making you feel like an idiot.
>I'm beginning to warm to this list!!
>At 10:10 am +0100 5/7/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>So have you checked out what's in your 'box of bits and bobs'?  There
>>might be some interesting software and hardware add-ons in there that
>>people remember or still use - that could get a discussion thread going.
>Apart from the QL itself I do have an A4 folder entitled Sinclair QL User 
>Guide, two books by Robin Bradbeer namely 'Making The Most Of The Sinclair 
>QL' and 'Introducing The Sinclair QL', 'The Sinclair QL Companion' by 
>Boris Allen, 'QL SuperBasic' by Jan Jones and another folder which seems 
>to contain a photocopied version of 'Professional and Business Uses of the 
>QL' by Colin Lewis.  There is a power supply and two packs of 
>the  software supplied (Quill, Abacus, Archive and Easel' although I can 
>only find one and a half sets of the microdrives to put in 
>them.  Fortunately there is at least one copy of each of the four 
>programs.  Other microdrives have names:
>TLW Master
>TX Copy Spectrum Cloner
>Spec Mdoctor
>Editor 1
>There is a black object measuring 7x3.5x2 cm with the wording 
>'Supertoolkit' and 'Care Electronics.  Is that meant to fit in the 'ROM' 
>socket at the back?
>There is a "QL TRUMP CARD 768K' by Miracle Systems but I have no cables to 
>attach that to anything as far as I can see.
>There is another 'thingy' about the same size as the above 'TRUMP...' 
>which has the lettering 'PCML Q+ DISK' but again no way to attach it.\

Better go with the TRUMP card. On the left hand side of the QL you can 
remove the plastic cover which will reveal a port. That's where the TRUMP 
card can be plugged in. :-)
The little DONGLE is indeed a ROM (which you should plug in the back) but 
it is not of any use since the TRUMP card includes the Super Toolkit II (or 
TK2 for short) which can be invoked by the command TK2_EXT. I do have a 
TRUMP card manual if you need it . Just lemme know


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