On  Wed, 24 Oct 2001 at 22:56:10,  Malcolm Cadman wrote:

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>Malcolm Cadman wrote:-
>>>Shows how quickly you can get out of touch ... :-) ... wasn't Freddy one
>>>of the 'leading lights' in the QL world for some time ?
>>Yep. Most of the decent software for years was produced by either DP or a
>>bloke called Dilwyn Jones of DJC (whoever he is) :-)) I remember the way
>>Freddy could put away food too, 2 or 3 plates at a time!

I will _never_ forget him on foreign trips.

6:30 am at the 'Cap de Nuit' in Brussels.  We arrive just in time- they 
_close_ at 7am.  Freddy has the statutory three omelettes - and gives 
away the 'rabbit food'

The pile of egg/bacon at the Eindhoven motel - a good 9 inches high.
How come he did not f**t all day (8-)#

Bus load of suspicious IRA looking people in a Transit on the way back 
from Eindhoven.  I was happily joking with quite a dishy customs lady 
about the bomb making equipment in my electrical toolbox.  Freddy 
marches up and announces (in his humorous way that we all knew) "You 
have no right to do all this to him".  Nice friendly lady turns into a 
'real' customs officer.

Overnight ferry to Zeebrugge.  At 4am I fall asleep watching Freddy 
talking (at his usual express pace to three remaining sleepy people.
I wake up at 05:30 and Freddy is still talking at them - but I could 
swear they were asleep!

Driving at a good 95mph round the Brussels Ring, with cars passing to 
the left and right of me.  He was grabbing my arm and saying 'faster, 
faster'.  The car was pretty new, and he actually was impressed at the 
quietness and smoothness at that speed - quite something for Freddy to 
like a Volvo.  He was used to his explosive Mazda with rock suspension.
No ordinary car - he got it half price 'cos the person selling it didn't 
realise it was a special ZX. it did 180mph, and he had proved it many 
He did wheelies in a hotel car park after a QL show - just to show what 
it could do.  He said he was doing 50 in a small circle.
He was _very_ proud of escaping from a whole batch of police cars on the 
M20 - where he averaged 145 into London.
I escorted him back from a Paddington car park to home.  Down a round 
parallel to the station (from Bishops Bridge Road to Praed Street),  he 
was upset about my getting one car ahead of him. With Ben in his 'racing 
car' he did 80 mph round the wrong side of a keep left sign.

What have I forgotten?

Life is so much quieter without him.

>Doh ! ... who dat Dilwyn fella then :-)
>>>Darren - are we stuck with your long long signature ?  ... :-(
>>Afraid So. Its preprogrammed by the bank and appended to all outgoing
>>messages, sorry about that. I can get rid of the address/phone no's, and
>>personal sig, but the pathetic disclaimer will have to stay...
>Time to get your own account then ... ?

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