Pity you didn't get a concrete address or email. Would have been nice to
see him again at a future show somewhere, and if he was up in North Wales
chances are he has moved out of london, or at least moved.

Nice to hear he still has a QL and Gold Card and uses it now and again
though, thats quite encouraging.

Did you tell him of any of the major events of the past few years - Aurora,
SMSQ/E, Romdisq, MinisQL, Q40, QPC ??


Darren Branagh,
Bank Of Ireland Card Services,
Nassau House, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6176368 (Direct Line)    Fax: 01-6176034

                    "Dilwyn Jones"                                                     
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:     "QL Users List" 
                    net.co.uk>                   cc:                                   
                    Sent by:                     Subject:     [ql-users] Freddy Vachha 
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              
                    22/10/2001 17:47                                                   
                    Please respond to                                                  

I had the pleasure of meeting Freddy Vachha (formerly Mr Digital
Precision Ltd) the other day at work. We had a brief chat while he was
waiting for a train.

Although he would hardly describe himself as an active QLer these
days, but he did say quite plainly that he still has a QL and Gold
Card, and still uses Perfection which he described as less frustrating
at times than many word processors he has used.

He said he was unaware of QL2000 last year, or at least if anyone had
mentioned it he'd forgotten about it, and may well have attended had
he known. He is open to invitations to such future events, as he still
has a soft spot for the QL, despite not using his that often these

Those who know Freddy will be glad to know that he is still his usual
happy, bouncy self, happily making money (forgotten what he said he
was up to and where he lived now, should have written it all down and
used it all in evidence!)

Dilwyn Jones

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