On  Tue, 16 Oct 2001 at 14:11:12,  ZN wrote:

>On 10/16/01 at 4:59 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> ......the QL would have been more successful than the
>>> Macintosh, there'd be a million active QL users, and
>>> Motorola would be producing 3rd generation 850 MHz
>>> 68060 CPU's ;-)
>>And keyboard membranes wouldn't be as rare as hens' teeth.
>The fact that today practically 99.99% of all computer keyboards ARE
>membrane based
>with mechanical keys on top, just like the QL's, must be the
>biggest irony of all. Granted, silicone materials have gone some ways in
>the last 17 years so the 'bubble mat' used instead of springs feels more
>springy that in the days of the QL, but taking apart a modern PC keyboard
>will reveal ALL the same parts from a QL keyboard of yore.
... but all the membranes I have seen, from Z88 to PCs (other than
Spectrum ones) have been the good quality clear plastic which stays
flexible.  In fact, I worked on an Apple powerbook once - for a
different problem, and damaged the membrane.  The Apple membrane
actually had encapsulated wire, and I solder repaired it - with a
massive sigh of relief.

           QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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