On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 15:27:56 -0000 , Norman Dunbar wrote:

> Well, I'm running QPC2v2 on Win2k - what's wrong with it ?

Apart from being slowest than Win95, more bloated (if at all
possible) and giving you no way to run in TRUE DOS (a MUST on
desktop PCs for QXL !), nothing is wrong...

> Win956 is way too flakey for anything

95 OSR2, once patched appropriately with all bugfixes available
from Microsoft site, is CERTAINLY more stable than 98 or 2K,
stable enough anyway to run QPC2 (which is the ONLY reason why
I keep Win95 on my laptop knowadays... if only QPC2 could run
under Linux !!!).

> - 'real' Windows programmers

Beware, with the "real" word, under Windoze (and more exactly with
Intel CPUs), this word has several "unreal" meanings... ;-)

> refer to it as Windows Play Station due to its inability to be
> used for anything other than games.

This is perfect then, because this is exactly for what I use Win95
on my desktop computer !

> Or is it (sorry, the Win2k stuff) only for Laptops ?
> We have a couple of Compaq Evos which run Win2k very nicely.

It may run "nicely", this is not to say that it makes a good usage
of the machine ressources: re-install Win95 and compare the speeds
of the same software under both OSes: you will be _amazed_ by the
speed difference...

Well, let's go back on topic (QDOS/SMS stuff for those who forgot
what the topic was ;-), my wish list for 2002 is:

- for Marcel: QPC 2 (or 3, or 4...) for Linux.
- for Peter : a Q60/100MHz laptop.

And YES, I still believe in Santa Claus !   ;-)

QDOS/SMS forever !


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