----- Original Message -----
From: "Malcolm Cadman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Happy New Year (and with a BITTER lesson to be lea
rned) Love Live QLs

> >My laptop is is dual boot (with the OS in separate partitions so they do
> >interfer with each other).   The performance under Win2K is noticeably
> >than under Win95.   I do have 256Mb of memory on the machine and I think
> >makes better use of extra memory than Win9x.
> Trust you to have the luxurious hardware, Dave :-)

It is work that gives me a decent spec laptop (and it is not that speedy at
only 600MHz).  My home machine is sigificantly better and has a larger
monitor attached which is great for running QPC2.

> When are you going to attend a London Quanta Group meeting, we would
> love to see you with your speedy laptop ?

I have now put the London Quanta dates in my diary (since Novemeber) and it
is just a case of whether when the day arrives another conflicting
appointment is on it.  I play a lot of bridge - and in the last few months
these have co-incided with London Quanta meetings.


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