At 04:40 μμ 4/1/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>I think we need this symbols for years because of the past (not so easy to
>cancelled) and UK.

Ahhh don't be so sentimental... What can we (Greeks) say about the Drachma 
then? It's been around in one form or the other for around 2500 years now 
and it was NEVER included in any character sets... ;-) Do we hold a grudge 
or cling to the past??? nooooooo :-)

Easy come... easy go :-)

>I hope pff Euro symbol is more readable than SMS one so
>that Americans dont think we are using $ in EU

It is (in higher point sizes of course... ProForma Fonts appear really bad 
in lower resolutions allthough I have a couple of tricks - Read below) 
trust me...

Now about the tricks :
In order to get good readability Any size above 9 pts will do. So set your 
configuration files to keep Swiss Latin resident and draw either 9, 10 or 
12 pts for the system font. That way first and foremost it appears 

>BTW is there any way (a program) to know all the key combination available
>on a given machine (except trial) ?

Not that I know of... Marcel?

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