At 05:18 μμ 4/1/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>It's true that only some currency are associated with special symbol (Yen,
>pound,...) and only one is known evrywhere (and part of Basic too).
>It's true too that pff font are not very good on screen when they are very
>nice on paper. Don't know why.

The main problem is the lack of anti aliasing. Also I believe that the PFF 
format (Correct me if I am wrong Joachim) does not do two different 
renderings for small and medium to large sizes.
Double rendering is a common practice for both Postscript and TrueType due 
to limitations of the output mediums (screens). As far as I know only NeXT 
machines didn't have that problem due to their Display Postscript system.
In the case of PFF for speed considerations probably the rendering process 
is uniform for all sizes which leads to the problems that I mentioned.

>About drachme : now that I download last Andrea Carpi Euro converter I have
>a nice small greek flag ;-)

Make sure it has 9 stripes ;-)))) (One for each syllable of the phrase 
Freedom or Death ;-) (Starting and ending with blue) ;-)

>Thank's for the trick

You are welcome... although a lot more tricks for nice display were in my 
article for QL Today on "Windows-izing" ProWesS... (which is lost after my 
crash and has to be written again)  :-(



P.S. I do not know if anyone is into linguistics or not but a long time ago 
I was part of a team converting the TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graeca) and 
TLG-Phi CD-ROMS of UCI (University of California - Irvine) to a more 
readable (and FREE) format. I had created many multi-accented fonts (With 
the full complement of Hellenistic Period accents  (SIX in total!) ) and a 
conversion program which among other things could print texts on LaserJet 
and ColorJet printers (PCL).
The worst part of the TLG is that UCI thinks they hold a COPYRIGHT for 
heaven's sakes! on texts like the Bible or the Oddyssey...
With Thierry's CD ROM driver I could convert this system to the QL finally 
for use with the Reader or (the HTML reader I am currently writing that 
supports tables and colours).... Anybody Interested?

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