On  Fri, 11 Jan 2002 at 12:44:08,   wrote:
(ref: <H0000b5f11cf080d.1010753047.ln4p1327.ldn.swissbank.com@MHS>)

>What equipment do you use to apply the etch-resist pattern to the
>boards, etch them, and then bond them together?
>Is it all very expensive for a hobbyist to produce one-off boards for
>experiments & prototypes? (Probably nothing as complicated as a Q40
>board.) In comparison to, say, the cost of digital photography with
>film scanner, A3 printer, software, consumables?
>(Probably another stupid question from an ignoramus)
I didn't - this was done outside.  One simply sends them plotter files
etc and they do it all from that.

My one offs are breadboards.  The sH was a sight to behold, but worked
incredibly well.

I know Stuart Honeyball produced some commercial boards but printing
direct onto special film.

How?  He didn't have a laser printer at the time and I did them for him

It apparently worked very well, but there is loss of quality.  No chance
of .5mm romdisq type pitches by this method.

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