On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Tony Firshman wrote:

> I know Stuart Honeyball produced some commercial boards but printing
> direct onto special film.
> How?  He didn't have a laser printer at the time and I did them for him
> (8-)#
> It apparently worked very well, but there is loss of quality.  No chance
> of .5mm romdisq type pitches by this method.

The loss of quality is because you need to reverse the image in the X and
Y planes.

(fixed pitch font required here)

  ___________/__________\____________  When printed on top, the UV light
             .          .              can go under the printed track to
              .        .               expose PCB where you want the track
               .      .                to remain. ('.'s = UV light)

  ___________________________________  When printing reversed, the printed
                                       side contacts the etc resist
                                       directly and there's no UV light
                                       getting under it.

This way, I usually avoid problemms with .007 or .008 tracks, especially
at corners.

(I write product manuals for ordinary people :o)


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