At 06:25 ìì 13/1/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>"Phoebus R. Dokos" wrote:
> >
> > At 05:55 ìì 13/1/2002 +0000, you wrote:
> >
> > >"
> > >Sounds interesting, am I right to think I recall a post about these, I
> > >can't think what it was about so the big question - what can I do with
> > >it, interface my kodak digital camera card?
> > >
> > >All the best - Bill
> >
> > Hi Bill,
> > Compact Flash Cards are being used in many places like:
> >
> > Digital Cameras,
> > PDAs (Palm, Visor Handhelds, HandEras or Windows CE/Palm PC etc)
> > Portable and in car MP3 players.... etc..
> >
> > Also they are very good for low maintenance Hard disk replacement or for
> > example to carry your "hard drive" to a QL show... They are about the same
> > size with an original Sinclair Microdrive (a little heavier .5 gram or so)
> >
> > Phoebus
>Just checked my Camera it uses compact flash, I use Simon Goodwins
>program to download files from it, would Q40 be able to read the camera
>card as a drive, or would it only read cards that smsqe had formatted?
>Sorry to be a pain, actually some of my questions have been answered by
>others mails but for some reason my isp downloaded them in mixed up
>order ( not unknown)

For cards smaller than 32 Megs yes it will... Cameras usually format the 
cards as FAT-12 drives and SMSQ supports that. If it's larger than that,
Dave Walker's MultiDiscOVER probably will... (You have to check with Dave 
for that). Also through Q40 Linux you will be able not only to copy them 
(by simply mounting the card as a UMSDOS partition (mount /dev/hdb 
probably) or if you keep it in you could change your FSTAB file to do it 
automagically for you ;-) )
but also to fully manipulate them via GIMP :-)


>all the best Bill

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