On 15 Jan 2002, at 4:18, Dave Walker wrote:

> The issue I was refering to is not whether it would work at all - but whether I 
>could upgrade DiscOVER to handle it.   To do so one needs Direct Sector Access - 
>ideally to the whole drive including the partition table, although if one could even 
>get raw wsector access to every sector within a 
particular DOS partition this would probably be enough.  As far as I know this is not 
supported by
> any version of QPC - only access to the "QXL.WIN" type of file within a DOS media.   
>The "DOS2 device in QPC2 gives one access at the file level (which I use a lot) and 
>not the raw sector level - or if so I have missed how one gets it!
No, you're right, you don't, that's one of the first things I tried. I 
hadn't realized it was for diskobver (sorry, I don't know that prog).


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