> From: "Phoebus R. Dokos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun 13/Jan/2002 19:35 GMT
> Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Compact Flash Adapters.
> At 07:32 μμ 13/1/2002 +0000, you wrote:
> Dave, once I get the readers in I will try to send you a combo (Reader + 
> card) for you to try...
> I don't think there will be any problems though since it looks to the OS 
> (any os) as an ide HDD.
Much as I would like one I am not sure I have a machine that can use it.  My machines 
that can run QDOS and/or SMSQ/E are:
   - Standard QL with floppy drives
   - Atari Mega ST  (fitted with 68030 accelerator board with processor switchable 
between 68030 and 68000 modes)
   - Amiga 520 with internal IDE hard disk
   - QXL (fitted with 68040)
   - QPC (all variants)

As far as I know none of those could take the adapter and be able to access it 
directly from within the QL side of the system?

We may have to resort to an email based solution.  I have a simple test program 
9written in C) that I could let you have that tries to open the drive and read the 
partition table (based on the same algorithm that DiscOVER uses) and it reports on its 
progress.   If necessary you could amend this at the source level) and send it back to 
me so that I could see the changes

My main development environment for c68 is now QPC2 v3 as I can set it up so that I 
can have the file simultaneously visible to Visual Studio on the PC side and c68 on 
the SMSQ/E side.  I have slightly improved the file handling of the various programs 
(in particular CC) so that the source can be on a DOS device, but the objects and 
binaries on a WIN or RAM device).  I find Visual Studio a far better development 
environment for many purposes than raw QDOS - and as c68 is cross-platform developing 
simultaneously in both helps me keep checking this out.  In fact I have recently added 
a Linux environment under VMWare as well that is also working of the same set of 
files.   On the PC side I have additional tools such as PC Lint and the NuMega 
debugging tools that are not available under QDOS and this certainly helps with 
initial debugging.  One thing I have been meaning to finish off for c68 udner QDOS is 
the source code debugger.  I have an embyonic form tht I did to pove there was no 
serious problem with implementing it but ahve never got around to finishing it off.


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