At 01:22 μμ 17/1/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>At 07:04 μμ 17/1/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>>Marcel, not really amused.
>Oh don't get upset Marcel, It might just be my machine :-) It really works 
>fine but again remember. I have 1 - 1 Gbyte QXL WIN files and 5 700 Meg 
>ones, I use (now that I have back 2.03 on) 128 Megs (of course you are 
>right it doesn't allow you more than that) and I run Win2K Advanced 
>Server... so I don' t really think that poor QPC is really to blame... 
>(although it did hang with Windows ME too (but with the same 
>configurations - Same QXL Wins, Same memory, Same Machine))
>Also my PC is extremely loaded... I don't even have HALF an IRQ free (some 
>of them are even shared between 3 devices)

Also honestly I don't think that this has to do specifically with QPC... 
don't forget no matter how good a Windows program you write is still works 
under Windows which behave totally different sometimes under exactly same 
machines... go figure :-)

P.S. Also I do have Direct X 8.1bda (for my FireWire DV Link which causes 
problems with many graphic programs)

still believing QPC is one of the best if not the best Windows program ever 
;-) (Well except Z-Soft Publisher's Type Foundry (CA - 1989 - Windows 386 - 
Now that was really good ... Pity I can't find where I put it... I could 
even install Win386 just to run it... (Should be fun... last I checked 
Win3.11 installed in under 25 seconds from the HDD ... Imagine that!)

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