Dave makes some magical things to make me read
} I recall that a couple of years ago someone was working on a sound
} sampler. I think it could sample sound, and play it back. Basically an A/D
} and D/A converter. I think it plugged into the ROM socket.
} Does anyone have any information about this?

Yes, I have information and also it!
It's the amadeus system.
The rom socket was used as the host for a network,
and then each hardware application get it's own module.
a host for PC was also available,
and you could even connect a QL to a PC via this network.

One of the module is a sound A/D & D/A. (mono) (amasound !)
It was provided with a micro and a speaker.

Sound format was highly compressed (about 4 bits per sample, 
using a hard-coded proprietary algorithm).

I tried to find information to convert existing sound files into
this format, or even just to be able to perform some volume adjustment
on a recorded sound, and only end up with the conclusion that
unless being able to obtain the full math, it was impossible.

-- Grimbert Jérôme 

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