At 09:43 рм 25/1/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>Hi Phoebus,
> >Check this out... interesting...
>uClinux could indeed be ported to SGC, if the details needed for low-level
>programming weren't Miracles secrets.
>But remember: uClinux is NOT Linux!

True but I was thinking more along the lines of TCP I/P etc. (already 
possible with uCLinux)
There is a device cold the uCDimm that's  a standard SIM style (30 pin) 
card that has a full ColdFire processor, ethernet, LCD VGA card, USB etc. 
and runs uCLinux. If we could i/f it with the standard QL it would be 
really fun :-)

>Usually Linux applications in C/C++ are portable between different Linux
>platforms (like x86, PowerPC, 68k) by recompiling them.
>For uClinux, applications must re-written. This is because uClinux lacks
>essential functions like "fork". Currently the range of uClinux
>applications is quite limited (but still nice).

Well the main things are there... even an mp3 player (which would be nice 
for SGC QL owners)... Of course we could design a recepticle for the uCDimm 
and i/f it to an Aurora or standard QL... Now here's an idea :-)


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