At 07:58 μμ 25/1/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>Some of you might remember, some years back, when one QLer was able to 
>port Minix to the standard QL, but could not distribute the diffs due to 
>Prentice-Hall saying "No".  Andrew Tannenbaum saw no problem with it, but 
>PH did.  Now Minix is pretty much forgotten.
>Tim Swenson

Yep but still very relevant...
I wonder who did that and if it's available from its author (well I want 
tell PH if you don't ;-)


Oh and Tim, sorry for the delay on sending you the file I promised... but 
between the CF, on-line classes, regular classes, the baby... etc... well 
you know :-) I'll try my best though!

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