At 11:37 μμ 22/2/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>>>Maybe Paris in October?
>>Definitely not! In the eighties I tried to get a bed on the express between
>>Paris and London. After half an hour of charades with the sleeper attendant
>>I had to give up. It turned out that the magic word was 'couchette'. Like
>>Doctor Foster, I 'never went there again'. ;((
>>I used to enjoy the ZX-fairs in London, though. Those were heady days!
>With Eurostar I managed to travel to QL2000 from Paris and return in 1 
>day. No need for couchette.

You mean 1 day your total trip in France and the Tunnel because from what I 
hear the TGV drops to 5 km/h (well okay I exaggerate a tad!) after it 
surfaces in Britain ;-) hehe


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