On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Arnould Nazarian wrote:

> > on an entire new PE that could give the QL a whole new GUI,
> I for one completely disagree with this. There is Prowess
> as others said, and there are certainly things to do at
> lower level the GUI in SMSQ/E.

Party busting up time...

The current GUIs *suck* - sorry to those who wrote them and read this 
list! They may well work completely intuitively, but they're darned ugly, 
and look like they belong in a 60's museum of bright colours! ;)

SMSQ/E will not expand widely unless it's soothing to the eye, pleasing to 
the wrist and comfortable for the mind. And for that to happen, it will 
need a new GUI.

Let's be specific - the code that handles the windows may be fine, but the 
windows themselves really need some work. Aesthetically.



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