On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

> I am not sure if Jon's QLTCP has an SBasic I/F ... maybe you will have to 
> resort to access it using the tried and true Peek/Poke S*Basic "interface" ;-)

If the worst comes to the worst, I would write some kind of front end for 
it, but that's distraction from my core business - getting new things out 
there :o)

> However a European PSU will work with a US QL if you use a step up 
> transformer...

I've seen transformer winding kits up to the job for $20 in a local parts 
outlet. Could be fun - been ages since I last wound a custom transformer 

> P.S. Damn that 6 Gb drive takes forever to format with QubIDE ;-)

How long would the 80 gigger I just bought take then? Hopefully, it'll be 
quicker on the SuperIDE :o)


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