Joachim van der Auwera
Ok, what if TT can not be
reached or found (or
worse) ? Or he has no time
or does not know anybody
fit for the job...
What if the amount of code
added is such that he is a
co-author, and not the
main author?

How can you expect people
to write free code which
may be impossible to
dictribute if this happens?

What if TT dies now?

Nobody “expects” people to
write anything : you don’t
want to – don’t.

Richard wrote:

Why Wolfgang doesn't take GPL is beyond me. This license has
not onlytheoretical problems and Wolfgang is assuming much
more responsibility than he seems to want.

True - the responsibility is higher than I thought initially. However, if
I had one inch of doubt on being able to handle the stuff, I would
have resigned already.

I will NEVER agree to GPL. Under GPL, as soon as you use the
tiniest little bit of something "GPL'd", you HAVE to make your
code GPL, too.

In my eyes, that licence is BY FAR more restrictive than the one
for SMSQ/E.

Joachim wrote
In all the discussions about the state of the new license, I think
many readers are not aware of how open source normally works,
and possible commercial implications.
(big snip of the rest).

Thanks for clearing this up.
As you say, there is no central versioning, no central control etc -
which is what we try to avoid here.

Joachim wrote:


As far as I can see, this license means that each time a binary
copy is passed on by the resellers, the fee for 10 EUR is to be paid
to TT...

If that is not what is intended (and that is what it seemed like
before), then I think this has to be made explicit.

The licence quite clearly says that some upgrades may be free.
Same as now.

Peter Graf wrote:

Exactly. It would be so simple.

Moreover, we have offered TT a compensation of EUR 2000.00 if he
releases SMSQ/E (at least the version which he wrote for me)
under the GPL.

In view of this new development, I will of course take counsel with
TT. The obvious result is that the licence will be delayed, and so
will the release of the source code. Sorry.

Peter continues
The GPL is a wellknown open source license, and thus encourages
non-commercial development, which is now needed for Q40/Q60,
because TT seems to give up.

I have expressed above my reluctance of the GPL licence. Let us
take, for example, QPC. QPC, at least in some ways, builds on
SMSQ/E. If SMSQ/E were GPL, QPC would have to be made open
source, too. Why should Marcel Kilgus agree to that (and, no, I
have NOT discussed this with Marcel).

The result: no more QPC? Is it worth it?

On the other hand, under the current scheme, the Q40 SMSQ/E
can benefit from the advantages brought into all of SMSQ/E.

Peter continues:

Those who insist on establishing their own commercial NDA based
on TT's work, and on future free work of others, should consider
that they also prevent this income for TT. In favour of forwarding to
TT EUR 10 each for a few boards, and discouraging our best 68060

Whoa there.

Would "those" who do these bad and evil things please step
Hmmm - nobody? How strange.

Just who are "those" Peter? However strange it may seem to you,
the licence has been worked out with TT's agreement.

I have made it clear in the licence that you can do your own
development, and as long as it doesn't incorporate TT's code, you
can, OF COURSE, do with it what you want -even have it
distributed alongside with SMSQ/E (because you will refuse to
have it within SMSQ/E).

Since you raise the queston of money, I'd like to say the following,
even though I try as much as possible to stay away from the
financial aspect of this:
The idea of paying 10 EUR to TT for each new copy sold was born
in Eindhoven - TT  never asked for money. We thought, and still
think, that he should get some money for each copy sold.

As to the question of paying 2000 EUR instead of forwarding 10
EUR for each board - since you are in this generous mood, why not
do the following: become a reseller but DON'T charge for the
Q40/Q60 SMSQ/E - and pay TT 10 EUR for each copy thus "sold".
That way, nobody loses out:
TT doesn't because he gets fair money
You don't, because you don't pay too much for "a few boards"
The user doesn't because he doesn't pay for the Q40/Q60 SMSQ/E.

Peter continues
If there is a lobby that can not accept open source for their own
targets, please release at least the Q40/Q60 version, which I have
financed and now offer to pay even more, into freedom!
Sorry, but whoa again.
With the provision that I haven't talked to TT about this at the time
of writing, I would like to say:
what lobby?
Am I a lobby?
To be quite frank, the opposition between the defenders of "code
freedom" and the sinister "lobby" preventing the good code to
escape into that freedom is so exaggerated that I can't help but
laugh about it.

Peter, please, are you really serious when you say that?

Finally, to the person who said "so much about democracy"
Democracy means getting your say -not necessarily getting what
you want.


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