> I would not discount it but we do not want to hike the price or create 
> myriad versions with small changes. Better that the developer bites the 
> bullet and agrees to add it to the distribution. After all I don't think 
> it will sell extra copies so the users will get it for free too. Maybe a 
> compromise whereby it would be a paid upgrade for existing users but not 
> add to the price for new users. Since these would be in the minority the 
> chances are he will get his money.

Roy and Jochen :

In cases of new versions of SMSQ created by Wolfgang using only donated code so
the developers are not asking for compensation what might we expect to pay if we
already own SMSQ? 

Can a person knowledgeable in GNU open source details elaborate on :

Would it be prohibited to have any open source code on the SMSQ disk being sold
since the disk can not be freely copied? I would expect that no open source code
could be used as part of SMSQ executable but am not sure about having separate
open source modules distributed on the same CD. I imagine there are some
developers that feel strongly about having their code open source. Doesn't
this mean that any code they write can not be part of SMSQ.

-- Bill

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