On 18.06.2002 21:53:06, "Geoff Wicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Actually I don't "speak" German, although I have some knowledge of it.
>Trying to speak it scares me stiff, ...
That's the problem: when you are stiff, speaking gets difficult ;-)

>If you like you can still send the articles to me and I can have a look at
I'll do!

>This discussion has given me an idea. Would anyone be interested in a
>workshop on using EasyPTR? The sort of thing I am thinking about is saying
>running a two hour workshop during a QL show, where those of  us who have
>experience of EasyPTR could help others with their programs in the hope that
>we could encourage more people to try working with the program. We would
>need to structure it somehow. Anyone any ideas or opinions?
>Geoff Wicks
Sounds like a good idea, unfortunately not for me, living in Holland. But as I said,
bringing problems into this group would help in many cases, I think.

Wolfgang Uhlig

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