> I have lost a complete evenings work messing about with is silly
> stuff instead of working. A bit of a dent in the production
> never mind its all for a good cause, or is it? Makes you wonder
> sometimes. If I get to bed before 1:00am it won't be too bad, better
> than the 4 hours I got yesterday.
> Dennis - D&D Systems
One positive thing from this lengthy email debate is that although it
gives the impression of internal strife and the possibility of people
refusing to talk to each other, it rarely if ever comes to that on the
QL scene. Some cross words are sometimes exchanged, rattles get thrown
out of prams (can't remember who said that first!) but ultimately we
air some views in public and after a while back to normal. That's
healthy, there's nothing worse than bottling things up!

Although I've stayed on the sidelines of the recent smsq/e debates,
I've enjoyed reading most of it.

Dilwyn Jones

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