??? 22/11/2002 6:37:58 ??, ?/? Marcel Kilgus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:

>ZN wrote:
>> I don't mind :-) it looks very nice. For one thing, better choice of colors
>> (no offense, Marcel :-) ).
>None taken. You know how it is with engineers and GUIs:
>http://www.kilgus.net/images/dilbert-gui.gif :-)
>And it's BTW much easier to look cool if you have 3D borders ;-)

Oh I know .... but what a big difference it makes :-)
>One big problem is BTW the (directory) button in the title line.
>Unfortunately all buttons within a window currently must have the same
>colour. :-(

This is not actually a button but a picture only (ie has NO function whatsoever -just 
making everything purdy (as my wife in her Pennsylvanian calls "pretty" -The "U" is 
elongated btw ;-) )

>Apart from that it's only the icons and the 3D lines. Amazing how much
>those little things change the overall look.

Now to implement double-click and use the "DO" for context sensitive menus (Qascade 
style)... and last (but not least) a GUI designer (much like the ones found in Visual 
Studio, Delphi, etc...)

Phoebus (off to bed.... I HATE VB.NET.... on a slow machine... kept me up all night)

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