??? 23/11/2002 10:22:44 ??, ?/? Marcel Kilgus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:

>P Witte wrote:
>>> I didn't mean your picture. In QPAC2 Files, unlike the other windows,
>>> the title text is a button and therefore can't have the same
>>> background as the surrounding title bar. You see the problem pretty
>>> well in my original picture.
>> It really wants an application window there instead.
>Hmm, good idea. Probably not a 5 Minute job as the button is pretty
>dynamic (no fixed size etc), but a possible solution nonetheless. Thx.

Hmm while you're at it could you change the resize control to allow resize in all 
directions? (Unless I got it all wrong it seems to me that resize is only allowed to 
the left 
(up or down) of the window...

Also anybody knows why some PE programs display menu colours correctly while 
running on GD2 and some don't? QPAC2 was working fine (ie colour key combos looked 
the way they should until I applied the FileInfo2 patch which killed the colours?


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