On 25 Nov 2002, at 14:22, P Witte wrote:

> A frantic attempt then, un-sow confusion and to rescue a strand or two
> of  my tattered reputation:

Are you an alien?

I mean, to err is human...

> My assertion only applies to AWs that are not Menu SubWindows: MSWs
> respond exactly as you say.
> If the pointer happens to be in an AW and it is being read by a Wman call
> (eg wm.rptr or MCALL) it wont return. Naturally: 'cause there aint no
> Wman-recognised menu there! (PI calls, of course, always return on a
> keypress if told to do so.)

Yup, there is a difference between a WMAN call and a PI call but 
even rptr should return...

> So, the problem I was trying to solve, namely How to make the program
> respond to keystrokes available to the main menu when the pointer is in an
> AW remains unanswered by the explanation I gave. If the AW happens to be a
> MSW (as in the case of the Qpac2 Files utility) then there is no problem!
> (Unless a LI and a menu item have the same keystroke, just as you say).

I'mnot sure about the rest - it should be pretty simple to have an 
action routine for the AW even if it isn't an MSB, that just returns 
on any keystroke - IIRC, that's how QPTR does it from basic. I 
haven't got the documentation to hand right now.

I personally, actually see the problem the other way round: how do 
you make an MSW respond to a keystroke if the pointer is NOT in 
the msw...

> The solution to the problem of using an AW instead of a button is to make it
> into a MSW containing one column and one row. It may still take a bit of
> extra footwork to make such a button behave identically to a LI (at least in
> EasyPTR).

I'm sorry, I don'y use that. I've always found QPTR far easier - but 
it's a matter of taste!

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