??? 27/11/2002 3:45:25 ??, ?/? "Dilwyn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:

>Don't wind him up...he sent me a few pictures of a Tyche ROM running
>on QemuLator or QLay (can't rememebr from memory) 

QLay it was...

but sadly we haven't
>used the article following Tony's comments on Jonathan Oakley's
>connections,a s we haven't yet found how to contact Jonathan.

Well i really don't know but that seems like a predecessor to Minerva but Lau could 
answer that I think.... but since it bears the Sinclair LOGO I would assume its 
covered by the Sinclair (ie Amstrad) copyright.
In any case since QView has released all Minervas up to 1.89 maybe its covered by 
that as well... (and it really doesn't work as a replacement... I do want to test it 
though in a real QL to find out more about it)

>Sorry Phoebus...after your hard work (what we didn't want to do was
>encourage copying of Tyche ROMs until we got the copyright status

Hehe that's okay... I am all for it although someone in this list should be able to 
either contact him, or know more details (maybe even Simon does... I'll email him 

>SOme work is definitely needed on Easyptr and so on to help them make
>the most of GD2. What is surprising is that if you create a program in
>compiled BASIC with Easyptr 3 and mode 4 sprites etc it actually works
>in mode 32 on QPC anyway. 

It doesn't on Qx0... The graphics get all garbled... but that's not your fault of 
course :-) Maybe if you could use sprted by Jerôme???

>The little PIC file viewer I mentioned when asking about window
>saves/restores with Easyptr a few days ago is now working nicely with
>mode 32 graphics (haven't got access to any graphics files from 8-bit
>or 24-bit systems to test) and even switches modes if needed
>(optional, since it can cause a mess) with a piece of code like:
>DISP_COLOUR new_colour_depth_number
>which is crude and messes up other colours on the screen since the
>system does not do much colour conversions, which is why I suppose I
>have to clear the menus out, change the colour depth mode then redraw
>the menu. It sort of works, but makes life harder for other programs
>running as you might expect.
>Is there an "official" way of detecting GD2? As my program is compiled
>BASIC I just checked for DISP_COLOUR keyword being present until I
>know the "correct" way of checking.

DISP_TYPE should return 33 or 32

>As the PicView program is now working and needs to be compiled and
>instructions written, it'll shortly appear on my website for people to
>try out. It will also load screens and save them as PICs (i.e. adds
>the 10 bytes header) to encourage people to use PIC files as they are
>easier to deal with than screens.
>As my Q-Trans program is really still Beta, anyone aware of any
>significant bugs in it which need fixing? Seems rather more solid than
>I thought so far.

Additionally to what I gave you earlier via private email, there's one additional 
bug... Q-Trans crashes if you try to access a non-present device (ie a non linked 
Win drive)

>Dilwyn Jones

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