On 21 Jan 2003, at 21:44, James Hunkins wrote:

> I actually date stamp backup copies of the desktop files in QDT, using
> 'C' system calls that tap into QDOS stuff.  It is actually quite easy
> (once I looked it up and tried it that is).  

>From Basic, this could be done as follows:

def proc backup(filename$,source$,destin$)
rem backup file from source to destination, always overwrite 
rem destination
local c%,mydate1
  if c%<0: return               : rem or use better error handling
  close #c%
  copy_o source$&filename$,destin$&filename$
  if c%<0: return               : rem or use better error handling
  set_fupdt #c%,mydate
end def backup


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