In article <000001c2c18b$367753c0$8b24ff3e@blackpc>, Dilwyn Jones

>No objections whatsoever to your use of the Trash can concept. Just
>remember to mention that despite the name, it is definitely NOT the
>same as the Qubide Trashcan. (I couldn't think of a decent name other
>than Trash or Recycle!)

How about 'Transient' ? ... also echoes 'QTrans' :-)
... so could be 'QTransient'

The use of 'Transient' is not an original name, though, as I have a
piece of Freeware RISCOS software that goes by this title.

The name is better than 'Trash', as it infers that the files are
valuable. It creates a 'folder' onto which files can be dropped, so that
they are still retrievable.  Or just used as a temporary store.  It time
dates the entries in a format set by the user, and has an expiry time.

This used to be the link, but is suspended at present :-

Malcolm Cadman

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