ACCUS (the East Anglian QL user group), proposes to hold a QL Workshop
in Norwich early in 2004. On several occasions traders have expressed
support, thank you. I am however worried that not enough people will turn
up. One option newly opened up would be to bid for the Quanta AGM, but
this is risky as we do not have any experience. Also I am guessing that 
the AGM alternates north and south, with 2004 as a northern year.
  Another question is would QL mind if the show was opened up to other
non-Wintel platforms? This will probably be limited the first time. Does
anybody want to give a talk, no matter how few we get? When exactly do
people want it held? Hopefully if this show is successful it can be 
repeated. All thoughts welcomed.
                       Tarquin Mills

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