On 13 Oct 2003 at 8:51, Jerome Grimbert wrote:

>> Is there any uptodate Web page listing the know/resolved bugs with version
> (sort of changes.txt, with pending bugs listed as extra).

No, not to my knowledge.
I do keep a list of bugs that are sent to me/published here on the list.
Yours will be added to the list.

The changes-txt in the sources contains the changes that are made to the sources, 
including the bugfixes.

Thanks to Marcel, I've discovered that there are some discrepancoes between his 
versions of SMSQ/E and mine, and we're currently trying to find out why/where etc...
Once this is done, version 3.03 will come out officially.

This is also the reason I haven't sent the sources out to 2 persons who have asked for 

> I was trying to use iop_wblb with a pattern of 1x1 in mode GD2 24 bits, with a 
> mask of 6x6 in mode GD2 24 bits and I get a bad behaviour... or rather nothing!
> (Using a 1x1 24 bits pattern avoid me to define a sprite for each possible colour,
> just changing the pattern data which is only a long, thus it is a simple = operation,
> very quick!)
> After experiments, It looks like it's better for the pattern to be at least 8x,
> which is rather cumbersome in my case. (I did not found yet the mimimal y to get
> that working too in vertical, more experiments needed I believe)
> Is-this bug known already ? Solved ?


Added to the list....


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