Marcel Kilgus makes some magical things to make me read
} Jerome Grimbert wrote:
} > I have not yet seen the block operation in C for 24 bits colours...
} iow_blkt ( chanid_t channel, timeout_t timeout, GDSTP_t *, QLRECT_t *rect)

Ok, will have to integrate that in my system...
Anybody maintaining C68 ???

} > Means I will have to enter "debug/patch kernel" mode before continuing
} > the high-level application then!
} If you can supply me with a short enough demo code I might find some
} time to help.

Short enough, not really (PE code grows rapidly), but if you have
an installed C68, I can provide full current-source with indication
about the two place to tweak for experiment (the sprite are defined in
one file, and used in another. There must currently be about ten source file
(and a few assembly files too, but I do not remember if they use as68 or qmac)

Just tell me, and I could try to provide that tomorrow.

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