On 16 Oct 2003 at 3:31, Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντό wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 07:46:55 +0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You fail to see the argument. Linux (or anything else) if its license is
> already a Free Software License by definition it cannot be turned into
> something that is NOT Free Software.
> On the other hand if something is NOT Free Software it CAN be turned into
> Free Software (with the provision that it this cannot be revoked as it
> defeats the term).
> Therefore you can move from a closed to a Free Software license but not
> vice versa. Especially not when the software that you are porting is
> already covered by a F.S. license.

Well that's exactly my argument. Their licence cn't be turned into this one and this 
not into theirs. So why is ours the bad guy and not theirs?

> > This is the same argument than the one before.
> > You take something that has its own licence and ask that SMSQ/E be
> > changed to accomodate it.
> But I am not asking for anything. I am merely making a point why SMSQ/E is
> for some reasons unsuitable at times for software development by
> proponents of the Free Software idea.

But this is more of the same. They want to work (only) under that licence, so ours must
be changed.
I challenge that basic asuumption. Let them change and accept our point of view.

> > I'll also presume that they did not approach, for whatever reason, the
> > original
> > author, or whoever maintains the source code, to have their "patches"
> > incorporated into the software.
> I assume that they have no intention to do so at all as they both disagree
> with the current license as it it's more like the carrot and the stick
> kind of thing...

OK, that doesn't change a thing

> That is incorrect. If you had NO access to the sources of the original
> software then your patch is legal regardless of what it does and if it
> affects the system software. Otherwise half of the globe with say new
> explorer replacements for windows (in effect patches) or third party bug
> fixes to shell.dll for example (again WIndows) would be illegal, but they
> arent :-)

I beg to differ. Are you saying these things patch the windows executable code?

> It did but the point I was making is that all the discussions for the past
> year on the conditions that the license makes plus the patching of SMSQ/E
> etc, lead anybody with an average brain like myself to think that is
> prohibited by the license to patch the software externally And distribute
> the patch commercially or as a free software.

Well, sorry but have you actually read the licence itself?

If a passage there sn't clear, I'd be willing to look at it !

(and the question of agents won't be in there because it hasn't anything to do with 

> > Not to me, if I understood your example correctly.
> See above.


> No, not necessarily, but at least IMHO for it to BE free software and to
> fullfil to the maximum the idea of multiple input to the sources it should
> be. Of course I cannot tell you what to do (or disrespect the license in
> any case) but nonetheless it is a precondition to free software. The whole
> post was actually the reply to your previous comment that more or less
> SMSQ/E is Free Software. My position is that it is not.

If Internet access is a precondition to that, then, indeed, it isn't. Remember though,
there was already free software even before the Internet existed.

> Hehe I wish it would. I would be willing to change my name as well :-)
> Regardless of that there are several m68k groups out there with many many
> members that could be interested. But for many people the hassle of
> writing even an email, and wait just takes the fun out of it :-)

Oh, but they then would be active contributors?

> I have seen an SMSQ/E version for the QXL I sent running under Linux
> myself. Unfortunately this version is "unofficial". The person that did it
> has strong opinions for Free Software himself and he will not release any
> changes or even submit them to the tree.

OK, that is too bad.

> Beside that however I think that in order to see if I am right, we have to
> release it through the net. Even for the heck of it... you never know
> until you try as my dad always told me :-)

Sure, but then it will be too late
> Depends. From very to not at all. That doesn't change the fact that a
> maintained *something*  looks a lot better than an *unmaintained* other
> thing.

Well and if you ask me for the source code and get it by mail, this is not proof of it 
maintained, of course.

> To close, all my responses to this thread (which I think is a very nice
> thread and it was extremely civilised with a lot of nice and constructive
> disagreement btw)

yes, aren't we just the league of extraordinary gentlemen here?

> are not meant to instruct ANYONE what to do.
I don't think anybody would have construed it as such.

> I cannot
> tell nobody what to do with their lives let alone their software. Again I
> repeat why things may not go as well as they should in the area of SMSQ/E
> and why I think that it would be better if such and such changes were
> made. But I am only voicing my opinion. Of course I will continue selling
> SMSQ/E and even release (if accepted) the changes I mentioned at an
> earlier email, but that's just my choice :-)

and a good one.
(Sorry, couldn't resist that.)

All the best,


      • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
      • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
      • ... Tarquin Mills
      • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
      • ... Derek Stewart
      • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
      • ... Dilwyn Jones
      • ... Derek Stewart
      • ... wlenerz
      • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
      • ... wlenerz
      • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
    • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... wlenerz
  • ... Dilwyn Jones

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