----- Original Message -----
From: "P Witte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: jeudi 11 décembre 2003 00:36
Subject: Re: [ql-users] isp

> My personal experience with Tiscali.co.uk is that you get swamped with
> the negotiation time with the host computer (both logging in and logging
> out) takes longer than with freeserve (thus clocking up extra revenue for
> Tiscali at your expense), that sometimes you are not allowed to log on to
> your email account via another ISP (thus forcing you to use Tiscali to get
> your Tiscali mail), and finally, that they dont permit your sending mail
> another ISP account than your Tiscali account while connected via them.

You're lucky.

I was doing quite well with World Online until it was taken over by Tiscali.
When they offered me the choice of staying with the old contract or taking
advantage of a new contract 3 times more expensive, I said no-thanks I'll
stay with the old one. 3 months later they changed the contract anyway, but
as it is not me that does the accounts, I did not notice that my account was
being debited at 50 Euros a month!

When I caught on, Tiscali refused to change back to the old contract
"retrospectively". I cancelled the contract by e-mail near the end of the
month, receiving a reply a few days later (after the end of the month) that
I had to confirm by registered mail before the end of the month to avoid
have two more months (a benefit in the new contract that I had not agreed)
debited from my account. Another month debited. I wrote to the address given
(World Online), and received a reply a month later that for cancellation I
had to write to Tiscali at a different address. Another month debited. A few
weeks later, I received an offer from Tiscali to change to a contract that
was cheaper than the original World Online.

There is no doubt at all that Tiscali in France are a real bunch of crooks.
Unfortunately, with my bank's advanced information technology, it would have
cost me more to stop the debit that it cost to pay Tiscali for nothing (I
had moved to FreeSurf / Free Telecom). OK so in my case, this has cost
Tiscali more than it cost me, but how many ex World Online customers have
still not noticed that they are being ripped off?

Tony Tebby

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