On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Peter van Dijk wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 12:33:04PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Chris Naden wrote:
> > 
> >     for qmail-send: for its description of locals to explicitly say that
> >     virtual domains should *not* be placed in locals?
> > 
> >     for qmail-smtpd: for its description of rcpthosts to say that it
> >     should contain all the hosts in locals and virtualdomains plus
> >     those hosts you act as MX for.
> > 
> > Actually, in stead of the latter suggestion, I'd prefer that there be
> > another control file: mxhosts, and drop rcpthosts, which is just
> > confusing everyone.  Then we have simple explanations for what goes where.

> You're not saying that qmail-smtpd should just read in locals and
> virtualdomains and accept mail for all domains in there, right?

No.  I was suggesting replacing rcpthosts with mxhosts and having
smail-smtpd read virtualdomains, locals and mxhosts.  Having looked at
"man qmail-control" I've decided that the reason Dan did things this way
is that qmail-smtpd only has to read/check one file (rcpthosts), rather
than three (virtualdomains, locals and mxhosts).  It's a typical tradeoff:
simpler program vs requiring people to read the documentation and put the
right things in rcpthosts.

I think I'll just make things work the way I want by making my own mxhosts
and having an automatic procedure which builds rcpthosts appropriately. Or
better yet, make the procedure which builds morercpthosts do it my way.

> Greetz, Peter.
> -- 
> .| Peter van Dijk           | <mo|VERWEG> stoned worden of coden
> .| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | <mo|VERWEG> dat is de levensvraag
>                             | <mo|VERWEG> coden of stoned worden
>                             | <mo|VERWEG> stonend worden En coden
>                             | <mo|VERWEG> hmm
>                             | <mo|VERWEG> dan maar stoned worden en slashdot lezen:)

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Thomas Erskine        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        (613) 998-2836

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