Hi, Jason.  Nice to hear from you again.  Sorry I missed your
"Wireless: Look Ma--No Hands!" session at ISPF in Atlanta.  I'll be
giving a qmail tutorial session at ISPF/II in San Diego early next
month.  Hope to see you in San Diego.

 > I was forced to do some file movement as a result of a crash. I have 
 > traced one problem to trigger file permissions, but for the life of me 

Ooohhhh, watch that, Jason!  Better run
http://www.qmail.org/qmail-qsanity-0.52, which I just modifed from
-0.51 so it would examine the file's inode as well.  You see, qmail
relies on the message filenames matching the file's inodes.  If you've
put the message files into different files, you could have one message
overwriting another.

 > cannot find a way to change the file type so that it reads
 > pwr---------
 > Any clues you could provide would be much appreciated.

It's a named pipe.  Easiest way to re-create it is to go to your qmail
source directory and run ``make setup'' again.

 > I also was looking around for examples of standard "adduser" 
 > scripts that had been modified for use with qmail.

Actually, you don't need any.  If you're using Mailboxes, qmail will
re-create the Mailbox if it's been deleted.  If you're using Maildirs, 
you can just create the Maildir in /etc/skel.  Then the standard
adduser script will create the Maildir for you.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://crynwr.com/~nelson
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