Eric Dahnke writes:

> Ok have your laugh, but how the hell else is the minute field conserved
> (per what the sending client entered), yet the message arrives with the
> correct local hour.

The Date: header includes the timezone of the sender.  The client that
reads the message can use it to calculate the equivalent local time.

P.S.  There are some timezones which are off by :30, and for those odd
messages you'll see the time being correctly adjusted by the half hour (in
addition to the whole hour increment/decrement).

> - I changed the localtime setting on the mailserver (in the other
> timezone), but it didn't effect the arrival time shown within my mail
> client? That is because qmail always lives in GMT, no?

No.  Probably because your mail client might be buggy, or fixed for a
specific time zone only.

> And what if you have mail users who pop your server from different
> timezones?

The responsibility for any time zone corrections rest with whatever E-mail
client the user is running.  It is the one that displays the date.

Of course, it is possible to have an MTA read the Date: header and convert
it to a local time too.


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