On 11-Jan-99 20:57:36, Mate Wierdl wrote something about "upgrade to RH 5.2". I just 
couldn't help replying to it, thus:
> I just want to confirm: when you upgrade to a RH 5.2 system, sendmail
> does get installed on your system, even if you have qmail rpm
> installed with saying "provides MTA, smtpdaemon" and "conflicts
> sendmail".  

> This means that

> 1) your sendmail links in /usr/sbin and /usr/lib get mangled.

    Yup. This happened here last week when another admin (fully aware of this
problem) did an upgrade to RH 5.2) . I only found out about it after four
days) because I got a "You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root" message
from the shell while doing some maintenance (by pure coincidence, / had
started filling up).

   As a sort of preventive countermeasure, /var/spool/mail is now a
zero-sized file without read/write/execute permissions for anybody.


| Rask Ingemann Lambertsen     | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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