Thomas Andrews writes:
 > Hi All,
 > Does anyone know how I can configure Qmail to only pass mail onto the
 > SerialMail ppp queue on condition that the sender is local ?
 > I use Fetchmail to retrieve mail from my POP server at work, and Qmail &
 > SerialMail for distributing it locally (yes - it's a maildrop for my
 > entire domain)
 > The cause of the problem : If a message (retrieved by fetchmail) is
 > addressed to me *and* someone else, qmail tries to deliver it to both
 > parties (quite correctly). The result : the other recipient get's two
 > copies - one delivered by the POP server at work, and one from me.

Sounds like somebody is trying to parse the RFC822 headers again (but
not clear who that is).  This is not right.  Once you've got an
envelope address, you preserve it forever.  Is fetchmail parsing the
message?  How are you getting the recipient information when the mail
is pulled from your POP server?

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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