On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Thomas Andrews wrote:

> Russell Nelson wrote:
> > 
> > Sounds like somebody is trying to parse the RFC822 headers again (but
> > not clear who that is).  This is not right.  Once you've got an
> > envelope address, you preserve it forever.  Is fetchmail parsing the
> > message?  How are you getting the recipient information when the mail
> > is pulled from your POP server?
> > 
> All I want to do is find out if the originator of the message is local.

You might find my fromdomain perl script useful, though this wasn't what I
wrote it for.  It is called by condredirect like:
        |condredirect some-other@address ./bin/fromdomain this.domain \
                that.domain 123.234.

(all on one line; remove the "\" and join)

That particular invocation will look through the Received headers and will
trigger condredirect if-and-only-if *all* the Received headers say the
message was received by and from one of: this.domain, that.domain or IP
addresses in the network

see http://silverlock.dgim.crc.ca/~terskine/qmail/fromdomain for the

"Life is much too important to be taken seriously."
Thomas Erskine        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        (613) 998-2836

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