hey all,
as anyone had the pleasure of dealing with some of the (excuse the
language) ass pirates that refuse to fix their MTA(s) or work to get their
sites taken out of the ORBS, RBL, DSSL, or DUL databases?

i've been using all four of the above for about a month and have just
received two loveley emails from some persons (i'd rather not say) that
seem to be lacking the common knowledge to read the error messages that
are returned by these lists or even acknowledge that they have a problem.

not only that, these people have the balls to email *OUR* customers
accusing us of censoring the email that they receive? go figure.

anyway, thats what the BS in ORBS stands for, Behavor
modification System.


Greg Albrecht                     Safari Internet
System Administrator          Fort Lauderdale, FL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      www.safari.net              

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