> ----------
> From:         Chris Johnson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         Wednesday, January 06, 1999 11:04 AM
> To:   Roger O. Svenning; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:      Re: Tcpserver quiz
> On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 03:34:19PM +0100, Roger O. Svenning wrote:
> > I installed tcpserver for use with qmail 1.03 yesterday so
> > I could allow and restrict relaying. (According to the instrucions
> in FAQ 5.4)
> > After setting up the tcp.smtp file and rebuilding the cdb, mail
> relaying worked
> > ... for everyone :)
> > 
> > I tried to just make a test tcp.smtp with the following content
> > 
> > 123.12.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> > :allow
> > 
> > After rebuilding I was still able to relay mail trough our server
> from whatever host
> > I wanted (I tried from several different shell accounts).
> > Guess I have to put in deny entries too to keep other ppl away but
> will they be able to
> > deliver mail to local addresses then ? (I have several virtual
> domains on the server),
> > and if this is the case then the FAQ is wrong and should be
> corrected ... cause it does
> > not say anything about adding 'deny' entries.
> You don't need (or want) any deny entries. You're not trying to deny
> anyone a
> connection to your SMTP server; you're just trying to set RELAYCLIENT
> for
> certain clients.
Actually, there may be a reason to deny access.  On my machines I have
blocked access to specific .jp domains.  All that I had ever received
from these domains was spam.    Now I get less spam and the mailer has
to deal with it.  ( BTW: I DID try to contact the hosts but never got
any resoponse).

> Matt Soffen
> Webmaster - http://www.iso-ne.com/
> ==============================================
> Boss    - "My boss says we need some eunuch programmers."
> Dilbert - "I think he means UNIX and I already know UNIX."
> Boss    - "Well, if the company nurse comes by, tell her I said 
>              never mind."
>                                        - Dilbert -
> ==============================================

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