On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 11:26:52PM -0600, Graphic Rezidew wrote:
> I have a domain (rezidew.net) with a dedicated 24/hr connection. I have 
> a friend with a machine not on my domain (friend.someother.net). My 
> question is this: Since his machine may be down for days at a time, how
> do I queue mail for him when he's offline?
> he has edited his MX record
> I have tried adding him to my /var/qmail/controls/rcpthosts
> but I keep getting an error in the maillog saying;
> [!error]
> failure:
> Sorry._Although_I'm_listed_as_a_best-preference_MX_or_A_for_that_host,/it_
> isn't_in_my_control/locals_file,_so_I_don't_treat_it_as_local._(#5.4.6)/
> [/!error]
> I don't want the mail delivered locally so what do I do?

He needs to change his MX record so that your mail exchanger has a lower
priority than his. The way he has it now, yours is either of higher or equal
priority to his (though you've hidden the domain name, so there's no way to
confirm this).

Everything is set up correctly on your end.


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